Navistar International® Rectifier Parts

The efficacy of commercial vehicles highly depends on the performance of their brake systems. Nestled within this critical system is the Rectifier, a constituent of the overarching Brakes category.

Rectifiers play a pivotal role in ensuring optimal performance, safety and durability of the trucks. They form part of the broader air and hydraulic brake systems, and also feature in wheel brake assemblies and parking brake systems, standing as key components in enhancing mobility control.

Navistar® Corporation - a leading American manufacturer of commercial vehicles - designed these rectifiers with precision and excellence in mind. Known beyond the borders for its International Trucks® and IC Bus brands, Navistar has set a remarkable footprint in producing class 4-8 trucks, buses, and engines.

With its varied commercial applications, Navistar demonstrates unparalleled versatility in the automotive industry. From on-highway to vocational markets, not excluding the defense sector, its superior heavy-duty trucks, buses, and engines embody strength, reliability and innovation, setting a standard for industry peers to follow. Reputation, quality, and remarkable product line - an emblematic reflection of Navistar's standard of excellence.