Navistar International® Switch Parts

The Exhaust Switch forms a crucial component within the comprehensive structure of any commercial vehicle's exhaust system. Part of Group 07 in the Navistar catalogue, this specialized hardware offers intricate regulation for various aspects of the exhaust output. Nestled within the larger exhaust system comprising mufflers, pipes, mountings, and brake controls, its functional importance cannot be overstated.

The exhaust system as a whole serves an essential purpose in efficiently channeling and managing the vehicle's exhaust output, governing noise and controlling the release of ha​rmful emissions. In this vein, the well-designed Exhaust Switch plays a critical role, contributing to overall effectiveness and performance.

Navistar, a respected name in the automotive sector, has engineered its version of the Exhaust Switch with characteristic expertise. Each detail of this essential component is meticulously planned and executed, aligned with Navistar's enduring commitment to quality. Making use of the extensive experience gained through the manufacture of a wide range of commercial vehicles and their parts, Navistar’s Exhaust Switch promises unmatched reliability and functionality.

The Exhaust Switch is more than just a part; it forms part of the broader Navistar DNA - a blend of design precision, build quality, and performance assurance. Each Exhaust Switch manufactured is a manifestation of Navistar's overall philosophy, mirroring the meticulousness inherent in all Navistar offerings. This reflects not only in the product's contribution to the exhaust system but ultimately in the superior performance of the vehicle.