Navistar International® Bar Parts

Navistar Corporation, a leading manufacturer of commercial and defense vehicles, introduces the critical category of 'Transmission', an essential component in any truck's operation. Within this category lies the pivotal 'Bar', playing a central role in the transmission's function and overall vehicle performance.

The 'Bar' in the transmission context is not merely a component but the lifeline that ensures smooth power transmission from the engine to various parts of the vehicle. It is part of the main transmissions, auxiliary transmissions, transfer cases and Power Take-Offs (PTO), both flywheel mounted and front engine mounted. Its function and design are inherent to the success of Navistar vehicular mechanics.

Navistar stands apart from its competitors through not only the production of superior vehicles and engines but also through its dedication to provide quality parts and services. The 'Bar', as a key component in the transmission system, clearly exemplifies Navistar's commitment to quality and reliability.

This transmission 'Bar' can also be found within the 'International' brand range of products, further cementing the cohesiveness of Navistar's product line, from Class 4-8 trucks to buses, and diverse engine options for on-highway, vocational and defense markets. The inclusion of the 'Bar' across multiple product lines further reinforces its central role in Navistar's manufacturing prowess.